Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

How to Remove CDs From a Toyota Avalon

How to Remove CDs From a Toyota Avalon

The Toyota Avalon is considered Toyota's luxury sedan. It is spacious, offers many new technologies--like a start button ignition--and it can play tracks from your personal music collection in a state-of-the-art CD player. The limited version of the Avalon can house six discs at the same time, so ejecting all of them is a little different.



    • 1

      Turn on the Toyota Avalon.

    • 2

      Locate the car stereo cover that hides the stereo system when the car is turned off. It is in the middle of the center console of the vehicle. Press the horizontal button to release the cover latch and reveal the stereo system.

    • 3

      Locate the "Eject" button on the stereo system and press it. If you have a single disc stereo, one disc will eject and the system screen will say "empty." If you have a multi-disc system and have more than one disc inserted, press the "Eject" button again to remove the next CD. Repeat this process until the stereo reads "empty."

Tips & Warnings

  • If you are driving a Toyota Avalon that is newer than 2005, you will have a "Start" button where the key insert button would be. You still need to have a key with you because there is a small microchip inside it that tells the car you are inside with the key. Press the "Start" button and the car will turn on. If you do not have the key with you, the car will not start.

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